
Hi there!

First, I'm sorry for not having finished out my daily blog posts. Here's a quick update.

I finished all miles of trail between the Mexican border and the Oregon-Washington border, (2,155.1 total) on August 10 (Day 131). I walked across the Bridge of Gods, into the state of Washington, tagged the "Welcome to Washington" sign, then went back to the small town of Cascade Locks, OR to wait for my flight.

Special thanks to Kaye Condon, who picked me up in CL, hosted me for a night in Lake Oswego, and gave me a ride to the airport. Another very, very special thank you to my parents, especially my mother, who kept me alive on the trail by shipping food resupplies, gear replacements, and anything else I needed as I hiked.

Thank you to those of you who followed along with me and my blog as I walked. You are one of many reasons why my hike felt meaningful and worthwhile.

Sometime soon, I will update the blog with all the photos of my trip, separated by day.


The final beard growth! (I've since trimmed most of it off.)

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