Day -2:

Date: Monday, March 30
Location: ~2464 mi ENE of the start of the PCT

Much of my packing and planning has been filled with agonizing over the number of ounces of each item that I could potentially carry. Ultralight backpacking includes making sacrifices and using creative solutions to bring the weight of your backpack down as much as possible. This morning I took a hacksaw to the toothbrush I'll be carrying on the trail! Toothbrush handles really aren't essential to function.
Hacksawing away exactly 0.64 oz!
Today I packaged up the last of my food. I'm now ready to load up the USPS flat rate shipping boxes that are down in my basement so they're ready to be sealed and shipped by my parents one at a time. I just finished creating baggies with 4/3 cup of granola, 1/3 cup powdered milk, and 1/4 cup of freeze dried blueberries/blackberries/raspberries/strawberries. These will be my just add water breakfasts on the trail.
53 trail breakfasts ready to go!

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