Day 0:

Date: April 1, 2015
Location: EWR --> SFO flight

11:30 am EST:
Yesterday I drove a car for the last time in a while. Last night I slept in my bed for the last time in a while. Today I used deoderant for the last time in a while. 

They confiscated my leatherman pocket knife at security in Newark this morning. I forgot to move it to my checked bag. I'm having my mother mail me another, which I'll pick up at mile 42.6, Mt. Laguna Lodge. I'll just have to chomp down on the meatstick (salami) that I have for the first section rather than make delicately slice off pieces. Could be worse.

      Saying goodbye to the east coast!

I haven't been back my birth state since I was one year old. I don't remember my previous time in California, but there probably isn't a better way to reexperience it than walking through the whole thing.

7:07 PM California time:
I got off the plane in San Diego and met Bob Riess, a trail angel who helps out PCT hikers and hosts them in SD. He's hosted hundreds of hikers since he started in 1999. He picked me up right outside the airport,  along with Loren, another hiker from North Dakota. We drove to Bob's place where I put together my pack, and now we are en route to dinner. San Diego is as magically temperate as advertised. It's 70 degrees and clear. Here's a photo from Bob's back porch. What a perfect place to launch my trip. 

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