Day 30:

Date: May 1, 2015
Progress: 17.3 miles - hitched to Hikertown (mi 517.6), walked to Cottonwood Creek Bridge (mi 534.9)

Today I had pancakes for breakfast (again) and then got my stuff together to hitch from the Anderson's to Hikertown. Some hikers did a 22 mile road walk to avoid the detour, but I decided to skip over the road walking and just get to Hikertown. 

I managed to hitch to a point about 1.5 miles from Hikertown and walked the rest of the way along Highway 138. When I got to Hikertown I waited a while to avoid the heat. The miles after Hikertown are some of the hottest, most infamous PCT miles. Those miles are known for their lack of water, lack of shade, the long distance where hikers walk along the LA aqueduct, and windmills. 

I night hiked the aqueduct by myself. It was lonely and I was wishing I'd left Hikertown a little bit earlier. I didn't make it to Cottonwood Creek Bridge until after 11:00. This was way past my normal bedtime and I had to fight to keep from falling asleep as I was hiking. The concrete of the aqueduct was harsh on my already fragile joints. Overall, it was not one of my favorite parts of the trail so far, but I was glad to be doing it at night when it's significantly cooler. 

Joshua Trees^

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