Day 49:

Date: May 20, 2015
Progress: 0.0 miles - zero day in Bishop

Today I devoted the first half of the day to taking care of the logistics and loose ends of skipping north. 

I took food inventory and padded my resupply with some food from the grocery store in Bishop. Matt, who runs the awesome Hostel in Bishop that we were staying at, allowed Chewie and me to leave our bear canisters there until we flipped back in 5 weeks or so. If you're ever in Bishop be sure to check out Hostel California. Chewie and I went to reserve a car to drive tomorrow. 

I played a Danish drinking game invoking bowling small footballs at empty beer cans, and doing whatever the judge asked. Firecracker, Green Flash, World Peace, Squeeze and I played for a few hours. Dinner is free hot dogs courtesy of the hostel. 

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