Day 37:

Date: May 8, 2015
Progress: 7.4 miles - McIlver's Cabin (.25 away from PCT mile 643.9) to Walker Pass Campground (mi 651.3)

We had company in the cabin last night! There were some mice scurrying around in the middle of the night. Thankfully all of our food was left untouched. They did leave some poop dangerously close to Tucker's face. It was cold this morning, and we knew we weren't hiking very far, so we slept in and waited a while to let the temperature come up.

There was a bit of hail toward the end of our walk, and Tucker and I ran to one of the bathrooms at Walker Pass for refuge. Soon after, we managed to get a ride from someone who was on a day hike from the campground into Onyx, CA, where Tucker picked up his resupply box at the PO, then to Lake Isabella, where we bought a bunch of groceries for tomorrow's zero day and so that we could eat like kings in the 50 miles between Walker Pass and Kennedy Meadows.

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