Day 44:

Date: May 15, 2015
Progress: 14.3 miles - Kennedy Meadows General Store (mi 702.2) to campsite near South Fork Kern River crossing (mi 716.5)

Today we finally departed Kennedy Meadows after one final pancake breakfast. Tucker's friends from VA, Jackie and Bryan, had driven up from Los Angeles last night to join us for some hiking. They haven't been hiking for 44 days yet, so we did a little bit of a smaller day. The terrain was pretty gentle, and they handled it really well. It was really nice to spend some time with non-thru-hikers, and really awesome, really nice people.

It rained on us a little, so I was glad to have my rain jacket that I'd received in Kennedy Meadows. The campsite that we ended up at was near a steel bridge that arched over the South Fork Kern River. There were a bazillion swallows that had their nests underneath the bridge that gave a magnificent display when we came near the bridge.

For dinner I had hot dog, bacon jerky, and kettle chips all mixed into buttery homestyle flavor mashed potatoes. We stayed up late (past sundown) huddled around the fire.

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