Day 51:

Date: May 22, 2015
Progress: 22.8 miles - Peter Grubb Hut at mile 1162.8 to campground at mile 1185.6

Today I slept in until 8:15, probably recovering from not getting a lot of sleep on Wednesday night. I started hiking at 9:00. 

Only 2.5 miles into the hike, I hit huge patches of snow that made the trail impossible to follow. In addition, traversing the snow was quite difficult, and I found myself slipping and postholing quite a lot. We were going to try to get to a campsite 26.4 miles away from the hut, and I'd left a lot later than Czech Mix, Chewie, and Backtrack, so I was beginning to worry about making it there before it got dark. The snow was making me cover ground much slower than normally. 

I ended up catching up to Backtrack, and we hiked together for most of the day. We reached a road crossing where Backtrack found a note from Chewie letting us know that he and Czech Mix were at a campground down the road. 

It had been raining all day, and when we made it to Czech Mix and Chewie's tents, it was raining quite hard. I went into the campground bathroom and pulled my tent out of my backpack, ran out to set it up, then ran back into the bathroom. Backtrack and I cooked our dinner in the bathroom and did a little drying off. There we were, two shirtless hikers, relishing in the shelter of a public campground bathroom and the warmth of couscous and mashed potatoes. The PCT makes me feel homeless more than I would have expected. 

Now I've relocated to my tent and it is absolutely pouring out. I will pray that when I wake the skies will have cleared. 

There's Backtrack^

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