Day 46:

Date: May 17, 2015
Progress: 15.7 miles - Death Canyon Creek (mi 730.8) to Mulkey Pass (mi 744.5) + 1.7 miles on Mulkey Pass Trail to Horseshoe Meadows Trailhead

Chewie left camp a while before me this morning. Our plan was to meet at the Mulkey Pass junction, then make a decision there about whether we would push on to Chicken Spring Lake, where we were going to potentially meet Tucker. The other option would be to hike down into Lone Pine, CA, where we could take a break, re-up on food a little bit, and get in touch with Tucker, who we thought probably would still be in LA trying to see a doctor about his foot.

It was cold and cloudy all day. When I got to the Mulkey Pass junction, snow was falling and it was quite cold. To my surprise, there was no sign of Chewie at the junction. I hadn't passed him, and I was certain that he wasn't ahead of me. I waited for around 30 minutes, but there was no sign of him. I started feeling a bit cold, so I headed down Mulkey Pass into Lone Pine, hoping to see him at the bottom.

I hitched from Horseshoe Meadows down into town, and the couple that picked me up took me on the scenic route into town, past the Alabama Hills, where many westerns were filmed, including many John Wayne films, and the Lone Ranger movies.

Once in Lone Pine, I settled into a hostel there, and saw no sign of Chewie. Eventually I got in touch with Tucker, who from LA told me that Chewie had used Tucker's SPOT device and was at the Mulkey Pass junction. I have no idea how I missed him. I had some awesome sesame chicken at a Chinese place with other hikers Loran, Tejas, and Flash, and then a couple drinks at a place in town called Jake's Saloon.

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