Day 53:

Date: May 24, 2015
Progress: 19.3 miles - Sierra City (mi 1197.5) to tentsite (mi 1216.8)

Today we woke up to clear skies for the first time in a while. We had a big 3000 foot climb out of Sierra City and the Highway 49 crossing, but after that the trail was graded fairly well. 

At mile 1214 I hit my 800 PCT mile mark. 

I saw a bunch of day hikers near some trailheads that must have been out for Memorial Day weekend. They were a very different breed than thru hikers, with their small packs and clean clothes. 

One family had dog who was sniffing my hand, and I said, "I smell pretty bad, don't I?"

The mother of the family overheard what I'd said to her dog, and tried to make me feel better. "We all smell pretty bad, though, don't we?"

I had to be honest. "No," I replied, "I can smell your shampoo." I hope she wasn't too creeped out. 

The height at which the lichen on the trees begin is the average snowpack for a winter. 

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