Day 27:

Date: April 28, 2015
Progress: 19.6 miles - tentsite at mi 458.6 to Casa de Luna at mi 478.2

Today Thunder Thighs, Ice Cream and I woke early to beat the heat and cover the distance between our campsite and San Francisquito Canyon Road. 

We covered the first 13 miles by 11:30 and then spent a while relaxing at a cache maintained by the Andersons called "the oasis." 

At the oasis we took some time off from hiking and enjoyed the chairs. World Peace and Deadweight were also there. The cache was located next to the trail under some manzanita trees and was decorated by a plastic Frankenstein and a plastic candy cane. 

The walk from the oasis to the road was insanely hot. I collapsed one trekking pole and held my reflective umbrella in my other hand to get some relief from the sun as I hiked. When we finally got to the road all five of us hitched together. One guy pulled over and gave us a bag of oranges, then a few minutes later a pickup truck pulled over and we all climbed in the bed of it with our packs.

We got dropped off at a convenience store to get snacks. I had a pint of mint chocolate cookie ice cream and a Gatorade. Then we walked to Casa de Luna, where we were welcomed with hugs by Terrie Anderson. 

Ice Cream and Thunder Thighs^

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