Day 50:

Date: May 21, 2015
Progress: 3.8 miles - I-80 crossing (mi 1159.0) to Peter Grubb Hut (mi 1162.8)

Today Chewie, Backtrack, Czech Mix and I set off for the hopefully less snowy and less cold Truckee, CA. There we would drop off the rental car and attempt to get back on trail at mile 1159. 

We had breakfast at Mohagany Smoked Meats, one of Chewie's favorite places in Bishop. The drive was good, and I napped a little to make up for some missed sleep from being up late at the hostel last night and playing Cards Against Humanity with some other hikers. 

We hiked to the Peter Grubb hut from the Highway 80 rest stop. It was an easy hike apart from one pass that had some snow on it. 

The hut is awesome, with a second story, indoor fireplace, tables, and a section devoted to firewood. It's maintained by the Sierra club. 

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