Day 48:

Date: May 19, 2015
Progress: 0.0 miles - in Lone Pine and Bishop

Today's biggest task was to make a decision with Chewie about how we were going to proceed. The weather showed no sign of getting better, and the forecasted snow even was extended through Saturday. We packed up in the hostel and discussed the pros and cons of our options with another hiker, BLT. Over breakfast at a nearby cafĂ©, we decided to skip the Sierra for now, flip up to northern CA, and northbound to the CA-OR border.

The buildup to the Sierra has been big, so it feels weird to be skipping it now. However, pros of our plan include 1.) avoiding the bad weather and potentially life-threatening conditions of entering the Sierra a month earlier than is normally recommended, 2.) getting finished with a more boring, drier, less loved section of the trail in northern CA, 3.) potentially getting to hike with Tucker in a month or so when we flip back down to Lone Pine to hike through the Sierra, 4.) getting to swim in high elevation lakes then, because it will be warm enough, 5.) hiking through the heat of the northern CA desert when it's a bit cooler out.

Today's second biggest task was catching up on blog posts. I needed to write and compile mileage info from the last two weeks or so. I've been in the Lone Pine library for the past few hours catching up.

Tonight Chewie, Backtrack, Par 3, Redwood and I are catching a bus to Bishop, CA so that we can see a movie there. We'll see either the Avengers or Mad Max, and then stay at a hostel in Bishop. There's also a really good burger place in Bishop that we'll try to hit if the bus gets us there in time.

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