Day 26:

Date: April 27, 2015
Progress: 14.4 miles - Acton KOA at mi 444.2 to dirt road crossing at mi 458.6

Got a late start this morning because I was enjoying the picnic tables at the KOA. As I let my breakfast of Mexican Style Chicken and Rice hydrate, I used the KOA wifi to post some blog stuff. I drank some nice hot chocolate / instant coffee mixture, then got going for the day. 

It was ridiculously windy on the 10.5 mile walk this morning to Agua Dulce, CA, a town through which the PCT travels. So much so that I had to brace with my trekking poles to keep from being blown off the trail at times. I was feeling a little cranky because my hydration bladder was leaking, and my left ankle was hurting. Fortunately, there was some really pretty walking through the Vazquez Rocks Park. 

I got to Agua Dulce, had some lunch, then went to a mexican restaurant for a few piƱa coladas with some other hikers. I had originally planned on pushing on another 10-11 miles today after Agua Dulce. However, the buildup of fatigue from the large miles I'd done into the KOA and the fact that my ankle wasn't feeling 100% made me change my mind. I joined Thunder Thighs (Nick) and Ice Cream (Laura) and did the 4 miles out of Agua Dulce and called it a day. 

Tomorrow we'll cover the miles to San Francisquito Road and Casa de Luna, Terrie and Joe Anderson's house. They're veteran trail angels, and run a self proclaimed "hippy daycare."

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