Day 57:

Date: May 28, 2015
Progress: 7.1 miles - Belden (mi 1289.2) to Myrtle Flat tentsite (mi 1296.3)

Today I woke up in Belden and ate breakfast and had some good coffee at the restaurant that is attached to our hotel. Czech Mix, Chewie, and Backtrack all headed out of town before I did.

I stayed in town longer to get laundry done and deal with some logistics of reentering school this fall. Once I managed to get in touch with my adviser and take care of the reapplication, I waited a bit more, enjoying the internet and phone connection that I had in town.

I left town a little after 6 pm to knock out at least some of the long and difficult uphill climb out of Belden. I made it a little over 7 miles before it began getting dark, and now I'm camped alone near a creek.

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