Day 58:

Date: May 29, 2015
Progress: 25.2 miles - Myrtle Flat (mi 1296.3) to Carter Meadows Trail tentsite (mi 1321.5)

Today I hit my 900 PCT mile mark! I hiked alone all day. Chewie and Backtrack are ahead of me by a bit. There was some difficult climbing today.

I am camped alone again. It's now been over 24 hours since I saw another human, although I appear to have set up my tent in deerville, because I've had one or two of them approach my tent several times. They are clearly unafraid of humans, because they have walked within 10 feet of my tent before running off after I barked at them to go away.

Update: It's about 11:30 pm, and I was woken up by a buck standing about 2 feet from my face licking salt off of my backpack. Needless to say it freaked me out a bit to be awoken by such a large animal so close to me. I don't think I'm going to sleep that well for the rest of the night. Hopefully I catch Chewie and Backtrack tomorrow.

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