Day 72:

Date: June 12, 2015
Progress: 9.2 miles - Statue Creek tentsite (mi 1597.3) to Sawyers Bar Road and Etna (mi 1606.5)

This morning I woke up and covered the final distance to the road, excited for a town day. Impala, a British hiker that passed me by back in Idyllwild (mi 152) caught up with us this morning. We hiked the last few miles before the road together and then hitched in on the back of a pickup truck.

Impala is a badass, and is the first northbound thru-hiker to make it here without skipping any. Apart from being really really fast, he has a ton of cool hiking experience, including the Te Araroa trail in New Zealand and the Appalachian Trail. I'm gonna get beers at the local brewery in Etna, catch up on my blog, and get in some much needed recouperation at the hostel in town. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Jake!!!! Now you can finally drink those beers you bought in Etna. We hope they're still cold. Have a great birthday! Mark, Lauren, Ella and Will
