Day 61:

Date: June 1, 2015
Progress: 19.7 miles - tentsite (mi 1369.4) to tentsite (mi 1389.1)

Today I hiked the 8.5 or so miles to Old Station, CA rather quickly, because the trail was blissfully cleared of all downed trees. Once the trail left Lassen National Park, maintenance crews are allowed to use chainsaws rather than crosscut saws, which makes maintenance way easier. I passed Chewie on the way in.

In Old Station I got my food box, took a shower, then walked down the highway with Backtrack to the restaurant, JJ's Cafe. They had awesome sandwiches with home-smoked, locally sourced meats.

We have a 34 mile waterless stretch ahead of us along Hat Creek Rim, a giant burn area north of Old Station. Word is that a cache traditionally maintained about 19 miles into the waterless stretch is stocked with water, which will make the haul a lot easier.

Backtrack, Chewie and I hiked about 6 miles out of Old Station, and cowboy camped (no tent) at a small site. To our horror, it started raining at about 11 pm, and we were forced to frantically pack up and hike the 3.5 miles to a spot where we could set up our tents, where we found Czech Mix. Lesson learned...

So far the two 30+ mile stretches without water have brought me snow the first time and now rain!

"The smallest PO in the U.S.!"

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