Day 73:

Date: June 13, 2015
Progress: 23.6 miles - Etna, CA (mi 1606.5) to Marble Valley (mi 1630.1)

Today Impala, Backtrack, Chewie and I hitched back to the trail from Etna, and I realized when I was about to begin hiking that I'd forgotten my hat back at the Hiker Hut in town. I begged a couple guys to bring me back, and they were nice enough to help me out. Jake and Jess (pictured below) gave me a ride not just back to Etna, but then back to the trail. Thank you so much to them because without that hat I would have been quite out of luck. They also were nice enough to give me a beer to drink tomorrow for my 21st birthday! I packed it out and it's sitting in a stream cooling for tomorrow morning. 

The hat detour put me a bit behind the other hikers, and they were planning to do at least 20 today, so I knew I had to hurry. I didn't begin hiking until about 12:15 pm, and made it the 23.6 to camp by 8:30. This was definitely one of the fastest stretches of hiking I've done. I only took one 30 minute break and stopped once more to fill up water. It felt good to push my limits, but I don't think that amount of hiking with that little rest is sustainable. 

I had a sweet and sour pork mountain house for dinner. Mmmmm. 

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