Day 77:

Date: June 17, 2015
Progress: 25.5 miles - tentsite near Mud Spring (1692.2) to Mt. Ashland Campground (1717.7)

Today we woke up and hurried our way over to Oregon, which was really exciting after having been in California for so long. We will of course be back in a couple weeks to complete the 400 miles of trail that we jumped over.

Oregon I had heard is much flatter than most of the rest of the trail, and hikers had told me that the miles would come easier once I got here. It definitely held true for a lot of today. There will I'm sure be sections that are difficult, but especially compared with yesterday's 5000 foot climb out of Seiad Valley, today was an easy 25 miles. 

We are camped at the Mt. Ashland campground, where we made friends with a few wonderfully nice girls who are on a road trip. Their names were Laura, Chesney, and Marilyn. (Hope I got the spelling close to right!) We had a fire and ate dinner together. They shared some corn on the cob and roasted peppers and brussel sprouts with us, all vegetables that I realized I hadn't eaten since before the trail. 

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