Day 75:

Date: June 15, 2015
Progress: 6.5 miles - Campground (mi 1655.5) to Seiad Valley (mi 1662.0)

The PCT follows roads from the Grider Creek Campground into Seiad Valley, CA, a very small town. There's a Post Office, General Store, RV Park where hikers can camp, and a restaurant. The restaurant is home to the famous pancake challenge, where customers can attempt to eat 5 pounds of pancakes in under 2 hours to get their meal free. Word is that no one completes it. 

I got two excellent milkshakes and a breakfast burrito at the Seiad Valley Cafe, then made the decision to rest for the remainder of the day and go farther to make up for the lost miles the next couple days. Chewie and I are staying at the RV park with several other hikers, most of them section hikers, and Backtrack went back to the trail and is going to camp  just a short distance from the road. 

Tomorrow we're going to get up super early to brave the climb out of town. It's one of the steepest and longest climbs on the entire PCT, and doing it early in the morning will be good to avoid the stifling heat. 

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