Day 67:

Date: June 7, 2015
Progress: 4.7 - tentsite (mi 1501.8) to I-5 and Mt. Shasta, CA (mi 1506.5)

The 4.7 miles of downhill flew by this morning, and Backtrack and I got lucky getting a ride into town.

Once in town I:
1. Ate breakfast of coffee, chocolate milkshake, and a burger at the Black Bear Diner.
2. Did laundry at the laundromat.
3. Checked into a motel and showered.
4. Ate lunch at an Italian restaurant that had a PCT hiker discount.
5. Saw Tomorrowland at the local theater.
6. Watched game 2 of the NBA finals!
7. Figured out a hiking plan going forward. Backtrack and I are going to hike a couple hundred miles into Oregon, to get to Bend, OR, and then flip down to Lone Pine from there. Then I'll northbound the 400 miles between Lone Pine and Truckee that I skipped.

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