Day 1:

Date: April 2, 2015
Progress: 22.1 miles - from southern terminus to tentsite at mile 22.1

I feel really good about how today went! My feet hurt a bit, and I know I'm going to be sorer than sore tomorrow, but I'm proud of myself for making it 22 miles today. It was way more than I ever expected to be able to cover on day 1. My plan this morning when prompted for it by other hikers was to go 10 miles and then see how I felt, and to maybe hike another couple. I left the mexican border this morning at 7:20 am, and was pleasantly surprised to find myself at mile 9 at around 10:20. 

I hiked most of the day with Matt from Buffalo, NY. We just sort of fell into stride with each other. Tonight I'm sharing a campsite with Matt, Keenan, and Michael. Keenan and Michael are both 19 and taking gap years. They met in New Zealand this past fall while WWOOFing. 

All star pieces of equipment for me today were my hiking poles and my baseball cap with the goofy looking flaps. Both were more helpful than I imagined they'd be. 

Climbed that!^

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