Day 18:

Date: April 19, 2015
Progress: 15.5 miles - tentsite @ 294.6 to tentsite @ 310.1

Today I walked the 13 miles to a hot spring that is a big day hiker attraction, then hung out there for a few hours. There were a lot of people there which was sort of strange after going long days hardly seeing anyone who wasn't a thru hiker. 

I left there late in the afternoon, found a little beach next to a creek to camp by, and made myself some buttery homestyle mashed potatoes for dinner. Now that I've written this blog post, I'm going to put in my headphones and fall asleep listening to Sufjan Stevens, even though it's only 7:15 and the sun is still up.

Tomorrow I'm hopefully going to make it 20-23 miles. 

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