Day 9:

Date: April 10, 2015
Progress: 3.1 miles - tentsite @ mi 148.8 to Paradise Valley Cafe @ mi 151.9

Today I woke up and took my time getting going, knowing that I had a short walk to the road. After reaching the highway 3.1 miles away, I then did a road walk just over a mile to the Paradise Valley Cafe, where I had a delicious hiker-portioned breakfast. After that I hitchhiked into Idyllwild. 

There was a fire closure on the PCT from a fire that happened in 2013, with a $2,500 fine if you were caught in the closed area. The alternate was walking along a long and alledgedly very dangerous highway. A couple hikers did that, but most of us decided against it, and won't hike the PCT from mile 152 to mile 179.

After hitching into Idyllwild, I went to the outfitter to stock up on athletic tape and sunscreen. Then I found a few of the other hikers who had rented a cabin at the Idyllwild inn, ate some lunch with them, then hung out for the remainder of the afternoon and evening. The seven hikers in the small cabin made for a stinky space that was cluttered with hiking gear and food. Needless to say, it was a good time. We drank lots of wine and made hot dogs over the fire for dinner. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Jake ! Be safe and enjoy this trek ! Every step you take is an opportunity to learn, reflect, and shape your vision for years to come.

    Travel in peace and joy !

    Scott Shibley
