Day 19:

Date: April 20, 2015
Progress: 18.9 miles - campsite @ mi 310.1 to campground @ mi 328.5 + 0.5 mi walk off trail

Today was the fastest and easiest 19 miles I've walked so far, despite the fact that 16 of it had no water sources to speak of. 

I almost stepped on rattlesnakes on three  different occasions, one time actually making contact with it with my foot. I let out a yelp despite the fact that only the snake was there to hear me, and sprinted 30 or so yards before checking back to make sure that there was indeed distance between me and the snake. 

I had some of the ugliest walking so far today (along a highway) and some of the prettiest walking so far (along a big lake). 

Tonight I'm camped at a campground that has potable water! Tomorrow I will cover the remaining 13.5 miles to Cajon Pass, where I'll pick up my food package and get a big milkshake from McDonald's before heading off for a long 27.5 mile stretch of trail without water. 

1 comment:

  1. So great reading of your progress Jake !
    Keep up the great progress !!

