Day 7:

Date: April 8, 2015
Progress: 17.6 miles - Warner Springs (mi 109.5) to Trail Angel Tom's (mi 127.1)

Today I woke up at the Warner Springs Community Center where I had a leisurely pancake breakfast, gingerly taped up my feet, and headed out at about 9:30 am. 

This was the latest start I'd gotten on the trail so far by a few hours so I had much less time to cover miles before it got really hot and sunny. I ended up having to hike in the heat more than I would have liked to, but hiked fast in the morning to get as many cooler temperature miles in as possible. 

I ended up following signs to "Trail Angel Mike's" where myself and three other hikers that left Warner Springs this morning were greeted by a trail angel named Tom, who was taking care of Mike's place. Tom treated us to an evening of entertainment and generous portions of spaghetti with Meatsauce. 

Tomorrow myself and three others, Tucker, Oscar, and Data are going to hike around 20 miles, so as to be within short distance of the Paradise Valley Cafe, where we will hopefully find a hitch to Idyllwild, CA. 

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