Day 12:

Date: April 13, 2015
Progress: 8.8 miles - Ziggy & the Bear (210.8) to tentsite (219.6)

Today was an odd day. I woke up a little weary still from the tough day yesterday. It was also a bazillion degrees in Cabazon by 8 am. I decided to hang around until later in the afternoon to avoid the heat a little. 

I lounged on Ziggy and the Bear's porch for a while, and napped despite the heat. It was 100°F on their porch in the shade and truly too miserable to imagine hiking. 

I went with two other hikers to have In N Out for the first time in the early afternoon. Yes, I got amimal style. It was really really strange being around the 75 or so people that were packed into the restaurant. There was a lot of traffic from people leaving Coachella (a music festival in the nearby Indio, CA). 

Gavin and I finally got on the trail at 5:30 pm because it was so hot all day. We hiked into the night a bit, arriving at the campsite at about 8:45 pm. It was a really pleasant hike in the dark and the cooler temperatures. The one hiccup was early on, when we encountered some shady imdividuals shooting an AR-15 (Gavin served in the Air Force and identified it) recreationally at some wooden posts, only about 20' from the trail and perpendicular to it. We told them they should be careful because there were lots of hikers. To say it shortly,they were not careful at all. They started shooting again when we were still very close, and we could hear bullets whizzing by us, much too close for comfort. Gavin called the sheriff, who hopefully took care of it. Not fun. 

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