Day 6:

Date: April 7, 2015
Progress: 8.4 miles - Barrel Springs (mi 101.1) to Warner Springs (mi 109.5)

Today I woke up late at 7:00 am, packed up my tent and things and got moving at about 7:45 am. At 10:30 am I rolled into Warner Springs, where I walked the 0.1 miles down the road to the Warner Springs Community Center.

I'm here at the Community Center now, which has been a wonderful break from the trail. Nancy runs the community center and she is an angel and an amazing supporter of the PCT hiking community. The hospitality has been overwhelming.
  • I had my first shower of the trail, which felt as good as any shower I've ever taken. I was more dirty than I've ever been. 
  • Then I got my laundry done! Having clean socks is the highlight, because their filth had been contributing to my blister madness. 
  • Next I ate a cheeseburger.
  • Then I got a ride from Colette, a lovely lady at the community center to the Post Office a couple miles down the road in Warner Springs, where I picked up my second resupply box.
  • Then I came back and ate another cheeseburger.
  • Next I organized all my food for the next few days. I should be able to do the 43 miles to the Pines to Palms highway in 2 days or slightly more. I sent myself way too much food, to the joy of some other thru-hikers, who gladly accepted my extras.
  • Then I got a wonderful foot care treatment from Nancy, who didn't even flinch at the raw skin covering my toes. (told you she's an angel)
Now I've decided to relax for the remainder of the afternoon, give my feet a break, and indulge myself in a small day of hiking. Michael and Keenan have pushed on, but I'll catch up with them by Friday, when we will likely stay at the inn in Idyllwild, CA, and take a day of rest and relaxation.

There are a variety of other thru-hikers here with varying amounts of experience and thru-hiking wisdom to offer, including a few Appalachian Trail veterans. Tomorrow I will push on, and begin making my way to Idyllwild!


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