Day 2:

April 3, 2015
Progress: 20.5 miles - tentsite @ mi 22.1 to Mt. Laguna, CA (mi 42.6)

Today was especially hard! I'm hiking with three other guys and they're all fast hikers. Our day was about 95% uphill. I'm truly tuckered out. We made it to Mt. Laguna where I picked up my first resupply package. I've sent myself way way too much food! This is partially Becaus I overestimated my daily ration and partially because I thought that I'd take longer to get from resupply point to resupply point. I'd given myself 3.5 days to get from the beginning to here, but it's we arrived this afternoon at about 4:15. We got in, had beers from the trail magic cooler that someone had left, and then went to the store to pick up our boxes, then to the restaurant to get dinner. I had a burger and split Mac and cheese with Matt. Mmmm. I apologize for the stream of consciousness style of writing. I'm too exhausted to edit. Here are some pictures frm today. There are fewer because I was panting too hard to pull out my camera. 

1 comment:

  1. What a treat to read your first post from the trail!
    The photos are beautiful and it's nice to see a little of the scenery that surrounds you.
    We can't wait for your next post.
    Sending you lots of love.
