Day 15:

Date: April 16, 2015
Progress: 9.9 miles - tentsite @ mi 256.1 to Highway 18 @ mi 266.0 (hitch to Big Bear Lake, CA

Covered the easy 9.9 miles to highway 18 this morning after taking our time getting started, largely because it was so cold this morning and last night. Probably the coldest I've been on the trip so far. It got down to around 20°. 

Gavin, who is section hiking the border to Big Bear, had Bentley (another hiker who was injured) bring Gavin's car to the roadside to pick us up and bring us to town. 

Once in town we checked into a hostel and then went to get some lunch. We went to a local pub and I got a burger with chili blue cheese, avocado, cheese, and bacon. [pictured below]

For the rest of the afternoon I lounged outside the hostel with other hikers Nick, Tucker, and Chewie. We're getting dinner later tonight.

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