Day 24:

Date: April 25, 2015
Progress: 23.1 miles - campground @ 395.5 to Mill Creek Fire Station @ 418.6

After I finished writing my post last night a church group camping trip arrived loudly. They had 27 kids and some giant 15 person tents. They woke me up around 10 or 10:30 and again with their morning hymns or some other singing at 7 am. 

There was a fair amount of climbing on today's hike but overall the miles went by fairly easily. The difficulty was in the cold temperatures because it was so overcast and then the rain later in the day.

I arrived at the fire station wet and tired. Luckily a past year's hiker had brought some trail magic that afternoon. World Peace, Magellan, and Dead Weight arrived one by one and we feasted on tortilla chips, salsa, strawberries and PBR. We're sleeping underneath an overhang on the back patio of the fire house. 

Poodle Dog Bush!!^

Apparently I didn't take many photos today. I think partly because of the cloudy and rainy weather. 

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