Day 25:

Date: April 26, 2015
Progress: 25.6 miles - Mill Creek Fire Station @ 418.6 to Acton KOA @ 444.2
Today the weather was nice for the first time in what's felt like a while. 

I did a road walk detour around an area known to be infested with large amounts of poodle dog bush (an evil bush that gives some people a painful rash, and is bad enough that you have to go to the hospital). The road walk had some nice views, but the pavement is definitely harder on the feet than the normal trail and I was glad when I rejoined the PCT. 

I covered the last 14 miles of the day a little slower than I've been walking. The past three days I've done 74 miles and I definitely felt the aggregate fatigue set in at the end of my hike today. 

I finished at the Acton KOA campground, where I took a shower, bought some vanilla ice cream, and collected my food package.

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