Day 16:

Date: Friday, April 17
Progress: 9 miles - Highway 18 (mi 266) to campsite next to Caribou Creek (mi 275)

Woke up in a bed for the first time in a while today at the hostel. We got breakfast at the same place that we had dinner last night because it was excellent. After breakfast I cleared out of the hostel and went to shop for my next resupply.

After doing that and making a pit stop at the post office, I was on my way back to the trail with three other hikers. We said our goodbyes to Gavin and headed off for a half day of hiking. We got into camp by early afternoon, ate an early dinner and before 5 pm everyone was cozy inside their tents. 

I'm trying not to fall asleep before the sun goes down because then I'll wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning and it'll be too cold for me to move to begin my day. I am on my new sleeping pad (the neoair xlite) which is a bit heavier than my old one but outstandingly comfortable. Excited to use it for the first time tonight. 

Taken through the bug net on my tent just now^

1 comment:

  1. Leisurely 9 miles, sleeping in a bed - sounds like the life! Except maybe for the blisters... take good care of those size 14(?)s.
    Pics are Awesome btw!
