Day 23:

Date: April 24, 2014
Progress: 26.0 miles - Highway 2 crossing @ mi 369.5 to Cooper Canyon Trail Camp @ mi 395.5

Today I woke up in Wrightwood and got my pack together to get ready to go. I got a hitch to the trail from a nice lady named Tracy and her dog. I was at the trailhead and moving by 8:40 or so.

This morning I climbed Mt. Baden Powell, named after the founder of Boy Scouts and admirer of Hitler and Mein Kampf. What an honor. It was quite steep. 

After that I pushed through a thick fog and some light rain to finish my day's hike. I didn't get into camp until about 7 pm. It was still light out then, so I quickly grabbed water from a nearby steam, set up my tent, cooked dinner (chicken teriyaki mountain house), cooked second dinner (instant garlic mashed potatoes), and climbed into my sleeping bag for the night. 

The hike today was long and tiring, but I feel good about the way I paced it. It was my longest day yet and only just short of being my first marathon. Tomorrow hopefully I'll manage 20+ miles again, but I'll just see how much I feel like walking then. 

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