Day 11:

Date: April 12, 2015
Progress: 23.2 miles - tentsite at mi 187.6 to Ziggy and the Bear at mi 210.8

I saw my first two rattlesnakes today. The first one I scooted by without taking a picture because it was coiled and rattling at me. The second one I took a couple pictures without getting too close. 

The descent off of Mt. San Jacinto was hot and dry and long. Today was long. 

Tonight I'm camping in the trail Angels Ziggy and the Bear's backyard. I'm writing this blog post to procrastinate sorting through my food and getting ready for bed. Those tasks require motion, and I'm feeling largely averse to motion at the moment.

It was strange going from the forest and the high elevation down to the desert over the course of a couple hrs this morning. I camped next to a patch of snow last night and walked through one of the hottest and dryest sections of the trail.

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