Day 20:

Date: April 21, 2015
Progress: 18.6 miles - campground at 328.5 to tentsite at 347.1

Today began with ominous clouds rolling in as Nick and I exited the campground. They spilled over the mountains in a way that I only remember seeing before in Alaska. Hopefully I somewhat captured it in a photo. 

We were almost out of the campground when a state park ranger stopped us. I thought she was going to charge us $5 for the use of the campground last night, but instead she just gave us an orange. I learned that some rangers are much nicer than a certain one in the Catskills. 

With a pack empty of food, I made quick time over the 13.6 miles to I-15 and Cajon Pass. Once there, I made a stop at McDonald's for a vanilla milkshake and some chicken tenders and a chocolate milkshake. I then walked further down the highway to the Best Western, where I collected my overfilled food package and brought it back to the McDonald's to sort through. 

When I was planning, I thought I'd be hiking slower than I am, and that I would be eating way more food each day than I am, so my maildrops have had way too much food. Not wanting to waste it, I only gave away a small amount of it, and had a very very heavy pack for the ascent out of Cajon pass this afternoon. There is a lot more climbing tomorrow, which will be made more difficult by my giant food bag. I tried to eat some of the heaviest items in my bag tonight to lighten my load. 

It drizzled for a bit today but there wasn't any real rain. However, tomorrow and the next day we ought to get some actual rain. 

I have a trail name now! I actually have had it for a while but I've forgotten to put it on the blog. It's "Mista Blista," and I definitely earned the name. I enjoy the name much more now that the condition of my feet has begun improving. Thanks to Tucker for coming up with the name. 
The PCT ran straight through this tunnel, whose end you can't make out when you enter it. Creepy. 

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